GreenCAPE’s Basic Alternative Product List for the Gardener
The Least Toxic Options for your Yard, Garden, Lake & You
GreenCAPE, a local Cape Cod non-profit since 1998, provides information about pesticides and a variety of other environmental threats. The name stands for “Cape Alliance for Pesticide Education.” Their mission is to help protect the sole source aquifer of Cape Cod and the health of all creatures, human and otherwise, on Cape Cod.
Their web site contains information about ways to get involved in changing community practices, as well as ideas for making your own corner of the Cape a greener, less toxic environment. Most products listed are available at local nurseries including the Country Gardener in Hyannis and Matt’s Organic Gardens in Dennis Port. For more information and ideas, visit the GreenCAPE website.
Ten Products to Make Your Yard a Greener Place
- Use Liquid Seaweed/Fish Emulsion for starting and all-purpose feeding. Examples: Squanto’s Secret, Neptune’s Harvest, Seacure and Seaplus from North Country Organics and Matt’s Organic Gardens.
- Use Rock phosphate (P) and Greensand (K) for slowly available potassium and phosphorus with calcium and trace minerals, resulting in less leaching of these nutrients into water bodies.
- Use slow release organic fertilizers. Examples: Organica, Barnyard’s Cock-A-Doodle-Doo, North Country Organics Pro-Gro, Coast of Maine products, Maggie Pipkins Organic Fertilizer--available online at
- Grub Guard is an application of beneficial nematodes for lawn grubs, cutworm, borers, maggots, flea larvae, flea beetles and worms. The timing of applications is important – follow package directions.
- BurnOut is a vinegar/lemon juice based non-selective herbicide of broadleaf weeds and grasses.
- Neem Oil is an insect spray for a number of insects including Japanese beetles, Mexican bean beetles, cucumber beetles, leaf miners, weevils, whitefly, lily leaf beetles and more.
- Serenade Garden can be used to battle various bacterial and fungal diseases including mildews, tomato blights, black spot. A home remedy for mildew and black spot is to mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 quart of water plus a touch of cooking oil as a spray.
- Diatomaceous Earth can be used against leaf eating insects, flea beetles and grasshoppers. Used in a band it will deter slugs and snails. *Not the same as DE used in pool filters.
- Earthworm castings and/or a bucket of earthworms helps soil enrichment. You can buy them from Cape Cod Worm Farm.
- Erect Bird Feeders for serious insect control and Bee Hives for serious pollination.

Cape Alliance for Pesticide Education
For information or updates on
NSTAR’s plans to spray
herbicides beneath the power
lines of Cape Cod, or to join the
Citizen’s Campaign against the
proposed spraying please visit
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