I'm Happy While I'm Feeling Crappyby Michelle PelletierDo you recognize this statement? "I want everything to change, but I don't want to change too drastically!" I've been told this many times by new students, though it comes out like this: "How will my life be if I do this work? Will I be okay and happy?" They want to do the training but in the moment of deciding to commit their heads go into overdrive and their spiritual knowing gets bottled up. When we take action on the feeling of wanting everything to change, we enter these mystical realms: The Land of I Don't Know, The Isle of Cultivating Curiosity, and The Compost Pile of I'm Happy While I'm Feeling Crappy. We have to enter these new lands of learning if we want to change. It goes something like this, "I have no clue. I'm curious. I can laugh." Simple, somewhat ridiculous, these three ways of being allow for the majority of our growth. When we find ourselves deeply drawn to a particular training, this is where trust comes in. We don't know how we will get our answers. We enter with a curious mind. We smile while we're in the compost pile as our life's answers surround us. Our answers aren't always pretty. Life in motion is not perfect. "Okay" and "Happy" are points on a dial, not stopping points. Where our essence is in relationship to the movement of our lives is the question to look at. I phoned an old friend and teacher and asked, "When you did the training, did you expect to be happy while doing it?" "No!" she said and laughed. She just knew she had to do it and by the end of her training she knew why. I felt the same way. I wanted more "room" for myself. But I never had the expectation in the beginning that I would reach a state of stillness and perfection by the end of the year. There are many trainings that will tell you where you will be once you've graduated, and how rosy life will be then. Each of us has taken years to assimilate, undoing this to attend to our essence is a simple and lengthy task. I love the way Sandra Kovacs puts it in her SelfGrowth.com article, The Whys and Ways To Meditate. She re-frames the question so that meditation is not the Answer, but gets us to our answers. Meditation is the tool that brings us into our spiritual growth and shows us the way out of it. While we meditate, we meet ourselves. This is what Inner Alchemy and Inner Light teach; a way to meet ourselves |
![]() BODY ALIVEEnergy Awareness Training |
I will not tell you it'll be okay. Don't ask me to be in collusion with your lack of commitment. I will not meet you there. This is what you are wanting to shift through. I stay in the space of possibility. I see you in your next step as spirit, which may be different than what you are aware of on a body level. You need to open the door and walk through. This work is not what you expect. It never is. It is way more than you or I can imagine. So let's answer the original question, "Are the Inner Alchemy Classes or the Inner Light Program gonna make me happy?" No, but you'll get your answers. You are the miracle worker. Being okay is a small gesture compared to the miracles you haven't imagined. Spend time dreaming the dreams you haven't yet dreamed. This is what the Inner Alchemy and Inner Light Program offer. ![]() Michelle Pelletier is a Licensed Minister, Psychic Reader and Energy Awareness Teacher. She is the Director of Body Alive, which offers 1 to 1 sessions, Workshops and Programs in Energy Awareness in Harwich and via Skype. Former healer-in-residence at Chatham Bars Inn, she brings her expertise and compassion to clients locally and internationally. She teaches clients to recognize their sanctuary within and listen attentively to their own voice. She has 18 years experience as an Intuitive Bodyworker and Healing Teacher in California and the Cape. She is a regular guest speaker at New Thought Churches. When you find yourself transforming from the inside out, her work can become an essential part of your growth process. She dedicates her work to the you you are becoming.
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