Where Beauty & History Meet
by Katie O’Sullivan
Local Author & Artist
Kathryn Kleekamp
Releases New Book
Retiring to Cape Cod, Kathryn Kleekamp found herself inspired by the natural beauty surrounding her and discovered a new and unexpected career. She not only embraced a passion for art, but found she had a talent for realistic painting and a keen interest in the history of the Cape and islands.
She brings these passions together in her new 176 page, hardcover book, Cape Cod and the Islands: Where Beauty and History Meet.

Friday, September 11, 2009
9:30 am to 11:30 am
At the Wianno Club
107 Sea View Avenue
Osterville, MA 02655
Enjoy a continental breakfast as
three authors discuss their
recent works Cape Cod Writer's Center
The 47th Annual
Cape Cod Writers
Center Conference
August 15 to 22
National League of
American Pen Women:
A Place for Cape Women
in the Arts
by Christina Laurie
Creative women of Cape Cod periodically gather to learn more about their art and share their expertise through the Cape Cod Branch of the National League of American Pen Women.
Founded in 1897, in the spirit of "bringing together women journalists, authors, and illustrators for mutual benefits and the strength that comes of union," the League is the oldest professional women's organization in the world.

A Book in the Hand
the tactile pleasure
of the printed page
and the intimacy of
the spoken word.

Book Review of
Loving Frank
by Pat Bertschy
